Recently graduated and getting ready for the big ceremony? Then congratulations are in order, and a few important reminders as well. Graduating from college or university is a significant accomplishment in your life that you will remember and cherish as long as you live. It not just separates you from everyone else as a young, educated and driven individual, it also sets the foundation to your career and future. It is definitely going to be a day your parents will be proudest of you and a day you will feel most special on. Here are a few essentials to keep in mind and have prepared in advance so that everything goes smoothly on the day of the ceremony and all you will have to do is have a blast;
Get Your Robe and Hat Ready on TimeNo graduate is complete on their Graduation Day without the robe and hat to receive the degree in. Most universities have unique types of robes, capes and hats depending on the qualification you are being titled with. The graduates are expected to try on, hire and get ready these extras ahead of time so that there are no confusions on the day of the ceremony. Ask your university for the details on how, when and from where to collect your extras so that you will be able to find the robe and hat that fits you the best. Be sure to do this early because if you wait till the last minute to get them sorted, you might not be able to find the correct fit for you or even worse, be left without a robe and hat. You might also have to get these laundered so you will need to allow time for that too, you can also check this affordable wedding photography.
Make the Memories LastIf you don’t take pictures on your Graduation Day, you will surely regret it. The university might be arranging for a group picture of the class and faculty so be sure to know what time you should be ready and where it will take place. There might also be an event photographer who will take a picture of you when you are receiving the degree or certificate. Confirm this with the university so that if they have not arranged for it, you can ask someone else to take your picture. Find a family photographer who will take a few great shots of you in the robe and hat with your degree in hand, amidst the people with whose help and support you were able to achieve it.
Ask the family photographer to send you the photos he took so that you can choose one you wish to enlarge and frame.
Celebrate Your AchievementAll your studying, sleepless nights and hard work has finally paid off. The degree is done and dusted. Now all that is left to do is step out into the great big world with the confidence that your educational qualification has given you to build your career and make your dreams a reality. But before you do that, don’t forget to celebrate this day with your friends. Attend the after party if there is one to share the joy of your triumph, and who better to do it with than the people who went through the same nail-biting nervousness and stress as you did for the past few years?